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How to deal with the installation failure of IPC?

2018-05-24 07:05:59 mf_bjjs 102

IPC is an automatic device that can operate reliably in an industrial environment as a controller. With the continuous development of industrial automation, industrial computer has been widely used in industrial automation, self-service terminals, medical equipment, rail transit, communications, finance, network security and other fields. Installation Fault refers to the malfunction of IPC when installing the operating system or application software. As the center of industrial control, the normal operation of industrial control computer is related to the stable and efficient operation of the system. Users should master how to deal with industrial control computer faults accurately and effectively.

Possible failure phenomena

1. When the industrial control computer installs the operating system, it goes down or reports errors in the process of copying files; when the system is configured, it goes down or reports errors.

2, IPC installation software application times wrong, restart, downtime and so on.

3. After the installation of hardware, the industrial computer system is abnormal (such as black screen, not starting, etc.).

4, the application software can not be installed after unloading, or can not be unloaded.

Components that may be involved

Disk drives, industrial motherboards, CPU, memory, and other possible components and software.

Key points of fault diagnosis

1. Preparation before maintenance

Prepare the disk data line; the latest driver for the corresponding hardware device.

Two. Software installation

1. Check the connection and appearance of hardware devices.

(1) check whether other equipment connected with IPC is working normally.

(2) whether the connection line between the equipment is wrong or missing. There are deformation, missing, short circuit and so on.

(3) check the wrong information carefully to determine the possible location of the fault.

(4) observe whether the hardware equipment has odor and check the temperature of the components.

(5) whether the speed of CPU fan of industrial control computer is too slow or unstable.

(6) if the driver of the IPC has abnormal sound when working.

2, other aspects of inspection

(1) check the manual of the software, confirm that the hardware and software configuration of the IPC meets the requirements.

(2) observe whether the installation medium is intact.

Three. Equipment installation

1. Whether the equipment and components to be installed by industrial computer are connected correctly, whether the cable is in good condition, whether the needle is missing, broken or short.

2, the device driver is intact.

Four. Key points of fault diagnosis

1. Install the operating system.

First of all, check the settings in CMOS and restore it to the factory settings if necessary. Secondly, pay attention to the parameters of hard disk and the temperature of CPU. Observe whether the information displayed on the IPC self check is consistent with the actual hardware configuration.

2. Install software

First of all, check if there is a virus. Secondly, check whether the partition table is correct and whether the partition is activated. Use the Fdisk / MBR command to ensure that the master boot record is correct (after using this command, the industrial computer can not start, prove that there are viruses or errors in the original system, the industrial computer's hard disk should be initialized). Finally, check whether there is a third party memory resident program in the system.

3. Installation process

(1) If you report a CAB file error when copying a file, you can try to copy the original file to another hard disk and install it. If it passes through normally, the original installation medium has problems, you can check the media and the corresponding drive is faulty; if still can not copy, you should check the industrial computer disk drive, data line, memory and other components.

(2) replace the installation media if there are errors in the installation of CAB and other documents. If the fault still exists, it is necessary to initialize the hard disk of the industrial computer and reinstall it. If it can not be solved, consider the hardware of IPC.

(3) Installation process, in the detection of hardware errors, blue screen or downtime, etc., one is to restart the industrial computer many times to see if it can pass; the other is to check whether it can pass under the software minimum system. If you can't pass, you should check the memory, disk, CPU, power and other components of the software's smallest system in turn. If it can be installed properly, it is a fault or configuration problem of components other than the smallest system of software, which can be gradually added after installation, and whether there is a fault or misconfiguration.

Five, hardware and other issues

1, if the system is restarted or power down, it is required to test under the minimum software system. If the fault disappears, after installing the system, connect the equipment outside the smallest software system one by one, check which component caused the fault and solve it by substitution; if the fault can not disappear, check the power supply, industrial motherboard and memory in the smallest software system, and even disk drives.

2, install hardware devices

(1) Whether the equipments and components installed can be identified in the process of self-examination of industrial computer or by operating system. If not, check the BIOS settings and the equipment itself, including jumpers and corresponding slots or ports.

(2) Check whether the newly installed equipment of the industrial control computer is in conflict with the equipment in the original system; see if the fault is eliminated by changing the installation order of the drive, removing the corresponding parts or equipment in the original system, and replacing the slot. If it can not be eliminated, it is incompatible.

(3) whether the equipment installed is in line with the technical specifications or physical specifications of the existing system.

(4) Check that some of the settings in the current system do not match the installed components or device drivers.